Current user is not logged in. How to access current users something?

Hey @cm1,

If the user isn’t logging into a user account of any kind, it’ll be difficult to locate their temp_order in your database by user for a variety of reasons. You’re right, the “current user” doesn’t get saved to your database if they’re not intentionally a part of your User data type.

My suggestion is to give them an order # which they should make note of and you also save to the temp_order that is saving to your database.

Custom states will reset Everytime the page refreshes or navigates away, so unless you pass custom state values to pages for the visitor in 1 sitting, things could get lost quickly.

So, as far as I can see, you still need to “do a search for temp_orders” but it may be more stable with an actual value assigned to the order and the person who created who can humanly take note of it (versus a page visitor who may be a different human…)

Oh you could also create a “guest login” system where you just collect an email address to locate their temp orders. So the data type would be “Guest” with fields for email (text) and Temp Order. That way you’re saving users to an extent without actually signing them up.

Would this work for you?

Gaby | Coaching Bubble