Im making a finance management app. I am going to have a default list of categories and sub-categories where users would spend and receive money but I want individual users to be able to modify that list and add to it to suit their needs. Adding to it, I figure it would be a matter of using their user name (Unique) or email address (also unique) as a constraint.
How would I set that the default list is for all and remove it from the users view if they dont want it (delete it). I dont want to delete from the default list, just from their view.
Create a list on the user table “hidden categories”
When you create a user you will create the default categories in a different data type then you can simply delete that thing if the user doesn’t want it.
I think I have solved my issue. Instead of defaulting as a DS. I will have a setup process and the user can select the categories & sub-categories they want. Then when it saves to the DS it saves with their username (collected at sign up). Then I can use the username as a constraint.