I’ve loved working with Bubble over the past few months (think I’m another addict). It’s been a huge but enjoyable learning curve and I’m happy to announce my first MVP. Still not 100% there but it’s fully functional (I think) and I’d really appreciate any testing and feedback. You can signup for a free account (no credit card required) at https://deskbookingsoftware.com/ .
Also, huge thanks to @dan1 and @romanmg for their help at various times throughout the process.
I’ve noticed that your “Login” popup has a lot of spacing on the bottom that isn’t used. I’ve also noticed that the text “Clear pricing, no minimum contract” the “C” on clear is partially going off the edge of the screen, I don’t know if you meant for that, but thought I should let you know. Other than that, it looks very nice and clean, great job.
Congratualtions, John! I know you’ve put a ton of hard work into this, and I’m glad to have been able to help out along the way. Cheers to your future success with this! I’m anxious to see where you take it and it evolves from here. Wonderful work!