Within our mobile app we make use of display data, selecting one row out of a repeating group and displaying it in the next group of the app.
However, for example after updating the app and refreshing it, or after not having used it for a while, the group becomes empty since the displayed data is not there anymore.
I would like to resolve this problem without saving data to the user since this seems to significantly slow down the app. I have been playing around with the when page is loaded workflow but no success so far.
On the first image is the setup in case the damage request of group 2 (the displayed data) is empty but the app is still on page 0 or 1 (before selecting the row in which the data resides)
This second image shows the workflow which sends the user back to the repeating group page (group 1) in case you’re already in group 2-17 which become blanked out after refreshing the app.
Please let me know if you have any extra questions, want to have a look inside of the app or whatever. It’s already in the Play Store so would be great if we can resolve the matter as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read all of this.
Kind regards,