Displaying categories

Happy New Year Bubblers, I have this App that links projects with stakeholders. Stakeholders (users) are listed on each project listed on the App, grouped in categories which are customized for each specific project. For example, on a community project, you may have categories like: volunteers, members, and clients; on an education project, you may categories like: students, parents, teachers, etc. These categories are created as dynamic data and displayed in a repeating group with constraints so that when a user clicks on education projects, the group displays stakeholder categories for the education project and when they click on a community project, it displays stakeholder categories for the community project. From here, the user can click on the category they are linked with and access the dashboard of that category.
Now, the query I have is that how do I set up so that when a user clicks on a project, the repeating group displays only the category of stakeholders they are linked with under that project and not all the categories? Note, users can join many projects in different categories eg a user can join education project under the category “parent” and they can join a community project under the category “volunteer”; this is where I am having difficulties to set up, I tried providing different statuses for users and implementing a conditional instruction so that when a user meets a particular status eg volunteer, the App displays the category “volunteer” but this only works well if users were only allowed to be listed on one project. I want a user who is listed on the education project under the category “parent” to be able to display “parent”, when they click on the education project and if the same user is listed on the community project as “volunteer” they should display “volunteer” when they click on the community project. Any guide on this will be greatly appreciated.

this is long, but a quick solutions will be sending the current cell category to the appropriate page which will obviously have similar data type (DT) as the category itself, with proper constraints on the other page or tab u’re navigating to, it should work well…

if you don’t understand, I can give you a free 15min call so that we solve it together.


Thanks a million Geesonsfgee, it has worked. I also appreciate your offer for a free 15 minutes consultation.

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