Displaying several images in a social media feed

Dear community,

I am stuck on displaying several images in a social media feed.

  1. I have created my data with a “list of images”

  1. The feed works well for a 1-image post. It displays the first item on a 1 item list.

  1. But when I have several images in the list. Nothing shows up.
  • the 1st item does not show up

  • I have also created some groups displaying the items #2, 3… last item with a condition depending on the count of image in the list

I have though of using a repeating group but I don’t think I can do a nice design depending on the number of images I display in it, can I ?

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

To complete my post, I just realized in the Inspect mode that this error shows up for all the list of images that contain more than 1 element

The image URL appear to be wrong. Check the way your are adding them on to the page.

Also try copying the image URL from the debugger and try loading it in another Tab to see if it actually hits the image

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