Does number of pages in my app affect page load speed?


I have an app that has close to 150+ pages. Does the number of pages affect the overall page speed of the app? Or does the number of pages in an app have a negligible impact on page speed?

Hey mohamed,

No, the ammount of pages doesn’t affect the overall page speed. The only thing that matters for speed is the content inside the page you are laoding.

Right thanks @julianalonso

Any idea to figure out exactly why page load is slow? Sometimes the editor is slow and I get time-out error messages. It’s generally slow, regardless if the page has a lot of content or not.

The thing is, the exact same page loads super fast sometimes, and super slow sometimes. I have an empty page and it takes a while to load, and sometimes that same empty page loads super quick.

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Hey @mohamed.mohamedfaiz! You can try using Chrome’s DevTools to see what might be causing the slow load times.

  1. Open your page in Chrome and right-click anywhere, then choose Inspect.

  2. Go to the Network tab at the top.

  3. Refresh the page, and you’ll see a list of everything that’s loading, along with how long each item takes.

  4. Look for any items that seem to be taking a long time or showing errors.

Any idea what these are? This is from the editor taking a while to load

Do check on your affected page on preview not the editor


In my experience editor is indeed slow if there are too many pages or in general app is heavy in terms of elements, data etc.

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