Don't understand why I need to detach things


I’m currently taking the academy course, and every now and then, we need to detach elements.

What is the purpose of detaching?

Why should I use it?

There is not such thing as detach an element…there is detach style, which would happen when you have copied/pasted elements from another app into your own and had not first copied and pasted the styles.

Detach reuseable element too

If that’s what you’re talking about @galliaeran, that allows you to turn a RE into a standard non-RE that you can edit.

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No idea that existed

It can be handy to detach RE’s, but it should be used with care as it can verge on the side of bad practice.

Sure, in some cases its useful to have a boilerplate popup that you can quickly place on a page, detach and edit. But what happens if you want to change your boilerplate popup… after changing the RE you’ll have to go back to all the places you’ve detached the RE and change the styles/layout/appearance/workflows of all the elements.

If possible, I prefer to put in the little bit of extra work to make the RE dynamic enough and avoid detaching it.


I surely agree. Just wanted to add that the only time I see situations where it may be worthwhile to detach a reusable is for accessing the reusable’s states more easily (and much cheaper) on the page itself.

What do you mean by much cheaper?

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