Yes I have - ultimately creating the list of things via API worked, but I realized in my use-case, I didn’t even need that (or the WU usage) so now I just store the concatenated text with the built-in separators directly on the parent thing and it works flawlessly, and with minimal WU usage. It allows users to edit recipes with almost no WU usage (all custom states), and when ready to save, roughly 1.5-2WU depending on the complexity and size.
My page has a custom state called ‘Ingredient List’ of type text, list:
When I load the page, this state is set based on the recipe’s list of text:
And here’s what each line looks like on the Recipe data type:
(note: I’m actually going to recreate this as JSON but the idea is similar - think of this as a row of data, with columns, separated by ‘III’ - which I only used because I control this data. It’d be better to use something odd like &%^ if users have any chance of inputting their own values into this line)
My repeating group is of type Text has this custom state as it’s data source:
I then have a custom event I trigger whenever a value changes:
Here’s what that Arbitrary Text is doing in the Find & Replacce: (I have a lot of values I’m changing in the row!)
And this is what I looks like when I trigger it and fill in the values:
Again since I no longer schedule an API workflow, I don’t have those screenshots to share, but I used to and it worked well. Here’s how I’m saving the data, and an API workflow would call the values in a similar manner:
The other thing I did, was when the ‘Edit’ button was clicked, I generated a very large random value, mixed with text, symbols, and numbers, to preserve it’s uniqueness, as a custom state. I had a field on the list of things I was creating for this number that i’d include on each one. I then had a popup that looked like this, triggered when ‘Save’ was clicked (and the API workflow had begun), which was running a count of things in the database with that unique value. It would disappear when the number of things in the database equalled the number of things it was scheduled to run on. So it gave a nice UI/UX for the users while the backend ran.
If they were creating a new recipe, I also had a go-to-page function that would engage only once this popup cleared - so what they see is a ‘save/creating’ dialogue which ultimately sent them to the new page.
Now that it’s all text/custom states, and no backend WF, this is rather instantaneous!