Editing User Information, previewing changes and saving

Hi all,

I’ve built a Edit Profile popup. Looking for help specifically on the fact that they can ‘Add’ their social profiles (using add button) or remove social profiles using the ‘X’ on the repeating group.

However, the difficulty, is that I only want to execute those changes once they’ve clicked saved. But as soon as they do click ‘Add’ I’d like to show it in the Repeating Group and as soon as they click the X in repeating group, it’ll disapear. But the changes should only be reflected in the data model when they click SAVE

Any ideas?

You have to use custom states as temporary data holders. Then when the user click save you save the changes into the user fields.

You can also save these in a different database and then save it into the user one.

How would I use Customer State to add an item to a repeating group though?

You have to set your Repeating Group source as your Custom State (should be a list)

Not sure I quite understand, could you assist?

Send me an editor link I’ll do it tomorrow morning and send you associated explanation.

Hey @cornelius.de.jongh :wave:

So here is one way you can do it, it’s not the only way. It’s an option though.

Editor: https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=temp_list&id=805testapp42&tab=tabs-1

Preview: https://805testapp42.bubbleapps.io/version-test/temp_list?debug_mode=true

Hope that helps! :blush:

@j805 www.NoCodeMinute.com

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@J805 - You sir are unbelievable. Thank you so much seriously

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When I remove one from Temp List and click save, the Actua List doesn’t seem to update until I reload. Any ways to make this update upon clicking save? Auto reload page is one way right? Any way to reload just the RG?

It’s funny, that was happening to me too at first. Then I deleted the repeating group and added it again and then it was working. I think it might be just slow on updating or something. Maybe you can do a clear list first, then set the list. Hope that helps! :blush:

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