Efficiently Bulk relate Two Data Types Uniquely

I saw this thread from adamhholmes that leads me to think using ‘Make Changes To A List Of Things’ is the way to go, but I’m not sure how to iterate through a long list of Users and have it to modify two things at the same time in each iteration (since both the User and the Word Thing need to be updated, else the Word may be accidentally used a second time later on).

Before seeing Adam’s post, I ran some tests using a few variations on a recursive ‘schedule API’ that all worked, but used something like 83 WUs per iteration! Obviously, this will not scale to thousands of individual Users/Words.

Made me learn the hard way how fiddly it is to both find and stop these large processes on the backend, across live and test. There should be more documentation on this (panic sets in pretty quick when your watching your WUs continue to count down after you think you’ve stopped the offending workflow!).

For context, here is the workflow that racked up huge WU usage very quickly–so definitely don’t do this.

Translating from the original post: “User” from the original post = “Company” in the screenshots and “Word” = “RandomValue”

The on-page button to start the workflow:

The backend workflow:

Hoping someone is willing to advise. Else, maybe this post helps someone else know what not to do.