Elastic Search Component / Search 2 data types

Have anyone created a elastic search component which can search 2 data types?

I’m posting a image of the example which is searching by 1. Client Name and 2. Property address.

Yes. I’ve done this. It just needs two repeating groups, one for client and the other for property address.

Ok, and that was using on single input or search field? @boston85719

Yes, just one input element, but each repeating group has it’s own search field. One thing I’ve done in some apps to search a data type by more than one field value is to create a data field called ‘search_field’ and is of type text and it stores multiple values as a single text, so something like Bryan Woods | 1234 Woods Lane, Miami | Jan 01, 2024…which basically would allow me to search against 3 values from the single data type at once.

Multiple approaches to take, but simplest is two RGs, one for client, one for property address, single input element, each RG has it’s own search constraint using the input element as the value to constrain by.

Something else I do is to have a group of type text, and I set the datasource to the input element’s value and use the operator :lowercase, so the groups text value is the input elements value in lowercase. Then on the search in the constraint I reference the groups text value rather than input so I can avoid user entered capital letters that can cause a search to not find the correct entries.

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