Element menu gone

Somehow the menu where I select the different elements disappeared. How do I get it back into the UI Builder menu?

Is that a reusable element? You might need to click on the element and then choose ‘Edit Element’ so you can see the elements inside the reusable element. :blush:

Does that help?

It’s the menu where I chose the elements I want to add, like groups, inputs, texts, img etc…

Did you click on ‘Edit Element’? Did that help? :blush: @vaarby30

No unfortunately not. I only see the elements tree in the menu to the left, but where I actually chose the elements I want to add are gone

share full screenshot please

I kind of found a solution,. When I enter something in the top search box the menu appears. But as soon as I delete the search it’s gone again.
I guess I can work with it this way but it is not how it used to be :thinking: