Expandable Field Names in Data Tab

I can’t read my field names

When looking at our fields in a data type in the data tab, the field name display is a fixed width often leaving longer named fields not totally visible. We should be able to expand/collapse that length with a slider, especially since there is so much dead space already if on a desktop

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I’m just curious why you have to write the full word ‘container’ out each time if you already know the first word will be container?

Very solid question. In most instances, if I have a data type of Container, I would never have fields of container_name or container_id, I’d simply use name or id since it is redundant to always put container at the beginning of each field name.

However, in this implementation of my data, I am running a system to track all activities that take place across the entire life cycle of an international freight forwarder, and in doing this I am using the API to bulk create the Activity data type and need to differentiate between the different activity types that come through the webhooks, some of which are container events others are shipment events etc. so I need the container_id and container_name to differentiate between a shipment_id or shipment_name since the webhook json with nested arrays is getting flattened and having prefixed keys so that I can run my bulk update API call with that flattened and prefixed JSON.

But, nonetheless, there are other times at which my field names do not fit into the fixed width provided as well.

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Sometimes I see things on the forum and wonder if I should be doing something differently…or if I’m doing something wrong.

Thanks for the explanation.

What is exact name of idea title, difficullt to find in the list of ideas. Thank you. :grinning:

Title: Expandable Field Names in Data Tab

Link: Expandable Field Names in Data Tab | Bubble

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