Expression: custom-state "X" is "yes", what does it imply?

Im saving info to the database to a “yes/no” field based on a “yes/no” custom state, does the following expression imply this?

Expression: custom-state “X” is “yes”

What did you tried and what was the result? Do you mind sharing?

I simply assign the the custom state to the field.

For instance,
In the data type, there is a Yes/no field named RecursYN
On an icon element named iconCheckRecurs, there is a yes/no custom state named isRecurring.
In either a Create a thing action or Make changes to a thing action, the field update looks like this:


I hope this helps.

The expression “ some_Boolean is “yes” “ is a non-operator.

If some_boolean is yes, this expression returns yes.

If some_boolean is no (or empty which evaluates to false), this expression returns no.

So it doesn’t do anything. It’s the equivalent of the expression “some_boolean”.

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