External link in workflow to open new tab

Hello @emmanuel,
Could you please advice how we can send an event name and additional values(key/values) to Mixpanel backend workflows?


Nice one Gary, that worked for me!

Thanks, @daniel.gs.gg I use it when trying to open a new tab when selecting a search box item. Works like a charm!


Im getting an error when trying to use this solution. Anyone else?

I got the same error. The javascript method was only opening in the same window, but I need it to opening. a new tab, so I added “_blank” and now I get this error.

Did you find a solution?

This helped me a lot!
Would you not then use the action of ‘navigate to external website’?
because if not, where do you plug in the website in?
Thank you!

If you are running javascript, you can use the window.open command: Window open() Method

A million thanks to you for posting this simple/elegant solution to such a basic problem.

Hi, any body using the javascript solution have had problems opening the new tabs because of the chrome tab blocker?

I have the same situation here. The “link” object allows to open a new tab, but don’t let me start a wokflow. The “text” object let me start a workflow, but there I can’t open a link in other tab.

I’m usin wasabi for repository and my files are private. I want to user click on the name of file (text) and start a workflow to creat a presigner URL, and then redirect the user to this URL, but I can’t do it without the unecessary 2 user’s actions (one to do the workflow and other to open the link), it reduces the usability for the users, unfortnatly.


Thanks! Worked for me!

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Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for the simple solution.

In case it’s not obvious to everyone, you can still pull the link from your database. Like if you wanted to have an image in a repeating group that opens an external site in a new tab, like in repeating groups here and there in your site, you can still use dynamic data in the middle of the JS command.
window.open(“Current cell’s images’s link”)

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For those of you who, like me, were still a bit unclear as to how to implement this solution, the syntax is exactly as follows : " window.open(“Popup Invoice’s Invoice’s associated file’s URL”); " in my case, i wanted an invoice url to be generated dynamically in the workflow, of course static links can be used in this case also. I had tried this numerous times untill I remembered that all JS lines need the " ; " at the end for them to work accurately. also dont forget to use quotation marks around your URL parameter.

Thank you so much for this! Super simple, and it gives exactly the functionality we needed to run workflows before opening a URL in a new tab.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong with what seems like a pretty simple solution, but I’m getting this error from my browser when I try the toolbox solution:

With these settings:


When I’m at my desk later I’ll take another look at the exact syntax of a working scenario and screenshot it for you @jsun1993

Worked for me. Thank you Daniel.
run java

So for whatever when I use this it works great for data-entered URL’s. When I try to use this for custom URL’s from a dropdown of option sets of verified merchants. It goes to my URL then the URL from the option set. For example, if I’m trying to go to amazon.com
it would be Myurl.com/amazon.com

What are you putting in the Run Javascript action?