Figma Import Problems

Dear Community!

I’ve faced problems importing projects from Figma. Previously I’ve successfully used Figma importing, but now it works awful. I could only successfully import text, and that’s it.

This is what I import from Figma

That is what I get in Bubble after import. I have no idea what is the reason.
Снимок экрана 2021-08-12 в 16.52.17

Any help, please?


Very sorry you’re having this issue! Can you file a bug report for this case? We’ll need to look at your application, and then the success team will be able to assist you.


@zifiry don’t even bother, the figma import feature is a joke. It doesn’t create any groups, just shapes.

The only semi-useful thing about it is being to mass import a design system from figma (colors and fonts etc). But literally nothing actual-screens-in-your-app ui.

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thank you for the reply. But I’ve used Figma import pretty frequent and it worked well. All necessary groups, images, shapes were created before but now it is broken :grimacing:

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