Filtering a repeating group based on an action


I have basically a goal manager I built where you can create projects and see them in a repeating group, then within a project, you have goals. I want it so when you click a project, it goes to the repeating group table for goals but only shows the goals for that project.

On the goals repeating group, I have a filter setting on it with a dropdown above the table that lets you select the project and sort it that way.

I made it so when you click the project, it goes to the goals display but I can’t figure out the filter part.

Any help would be great, let me know if you need more information as well.

Thank you

You need to display a list in the repeating group when a certain project is clicked. This is an action under element actions. Your list to display should look like “Do a search for goals: filtered project = the project the user clicked on” or like Current Project’s goals depending on your database structure.

To integrate the dropdown make the do a search for goals on the data source of the repeating group contain a condition where project = dropdown project’s value and make sure you check the box to ignore empty contraints.

Hope this helps,

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