Filtering a repeating group by excluding the content of another repeating group

Hi guys!

In my app, I’m trying to organize groups of stories into collections. I have a table for stories and a table for collections. Inside collections, I have a field which type is a list of stories where I store the stories grouped in that particular collection.

Now when I am on the collection screen, I have a repeating group with all the stories that belong to that collection (collection-stories). When I click the button to add a new story to the collection, a pop-up shows where the user can select new stories to add the collection. In this pop-up, I have another repeating group with all the stories (all-stories). Now what I have problems doing is to show in this pop-up repeating group only the stories that are not part of this collection -because if it is already in the collection it should not show in here. This means to filter out the stories contained in the field of the table collection that is a list of stories.

I thought the easiest way was to filter the repeating group (all-stories) excluding the stories in the collection -the content of the repeating group (collection-stories). Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Hi guys! I kind of found a way to do it. Maybe it will help.

What I did was that in the group that in the repeating group with all the stories, I filtered out all the stories already in the collection, using the field name -because in my case there can not be two stories with the same name. Look here :point_down:

Search for stories

I hope this helps, and if anybody has a better solution please share.

Best to all.

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