Finding Total count from multiple fields

Hi, I am new to Bubble, need some help. Sorry if this looks too basic

I have a table called “Job Posts” which has recruiter id and Job id along with other details.

And I have another table called “Applications” which has Job id (same as above) and Applicant Id.

User A posts two jobs. For first job there are 5 applications and for second there are 4. How to find total applications received for all jobs? I have used following.

search for applications (where job id = search for “job posts” where recruiter id=current user’s email):count

Please help

It would be best if you are able to attach some screenshots for the Data Types you have created and where you wanted to show the count.

From what I understood above, if you have the right Job IDs under applications and job IDs do have the right recruiter ID it should fetch all the applications.

Thank you. Updated

Can you share the editor side please? that way I would have more visibility on types or the search you are applying.

But I do think when you are searching the Jobs based on User email, it would return a list which then you would need to filter out for applications.

Yes, this will return a list. For each list there are multiple applications and i need to calculate total applications

Yes so your do a search for constraint should include “is in” instead of "=‘’ to match the list.

hope that make sense, otherwise do message me and we can review it on a call?