Fixed value for first repeating group column


I’m trying to figure out a way to set the first column of my repeating group to be one specific value. The headers in my repeating group are dynamic, meaning they are removed and added depending on the users preference.

The only issue I’m having is that I want the Email column to always be the first column of the table, since it is always enabled in a users database. However whenever a new list is set as a result of the heading changes in the users database, email is then not the first column.

Does anyone know a good workaround for this?


Hello @deeknee

Consider having two dynamic headers. Each with the fields ordered the way you want. Display each based on the needed conditionality.

The top row is a repeating group. I don’t really want to create a non-repeating group header for this solution because every time I release a new datapoint for the platform it’s going to require me to update the header manually.


I have implemented apps with one repeating group and inside the row … various headers and various contents.


Header 1
Header 2
Content 1
Content 2

Condition 1
Header 1
Content 1

Condition 2
Header 2
Content 2

I am not sure the above could apply to your specific situation … but I thought it may spark an idea on your end :smiley:

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