Fixed with and zoom out on mobile


I’m trying to create a page where the topbar takes the full space of the page and the main container has 1080px but I want that when you go on mobile you know this apps that is like the zoom out?

I want to do this with mine but when I go on fixed width and go on mobile, the page only shows the left side of the page and it’s kind of unusable.

Does anyone know how to achieve the zoom out like in mobile?

Maybe @sudsy @help @jacobgershkovich

Thanks a lot and have a good day.

@ryanck did you ever get anything to work? I know the bubble editor does this when you go to the bubble editor on your phone. I recall seeing a post about this as something Bubble did to allow new users who might be looking on their mobile device to not get discouraged from using the app (despite it probably being darn impossible to edit an app on your iPhone)