FLOPPY: Plugin for localStorage, sessionStorage, IndexedDB storage, List Creation/Manipulation, Iteration, and More! Now with even more video docs!

Hi Keith

I purchase the plugin a few months ago and I am loving it. However, I ran into an issue where I am trying to store an object returned by the APIConnector. When I store the object and then reference that object from the storage on the same page, it works just fine. However, when I navigate away from the page and return, I get the following error when the page loads.

The plugin Floppy: localStorage, List Shifter / element Floppy threw the following error: TypeError: undefined is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))
    at Function.from ()
    at array_from (https://xxxxx.bubbleapps.io/package/run_debug_js/4649d9c0ec93fa73d4ad9474dfb8d11b0a14ceb240574597bf704feb897896b4/xfalse/x9/run_debug.js:118:133140) (please report this to the plugin author)

What I am doing is I am using a dropdown that’s retrieving data via the APIConnector and when I select it in the dropdown, workflow action sets the selected object to the Floppy Session Storage and is used on the page by various controls. I need this value to persist when I navigate away from the page but unfortunately because of this error, it does not.

Here is the Floppy storage I am using

and this is how I am using it

Here is the inspector showing the Floppy info

Looking at the Session info in the browser, its doesn’t seem to be writing the currManObj object to session storage even though other elements are using it. curManId is another Floppy session storage and is just simple text and that is working.

Kind Regards

Hi @Lumyna , did you find a solution for that issue ?

I believe I kept everything in the original list (constraints and non-nested sorting), which is passed to the list shifter, but I can confirm later.

Thanks I think I get it !!

Hi @keith

I am planning to store an API Connector response locally and then use the local data in repeating groups as a data source with filters, grouping and sorting and so on.

Is it still a good strategy like describe in this video: Floppy and API Calls/API Objects in Bubble | Loom

Or did bubble change sth in the meantime? Is there any other tutorial for that?

My problem is, that load times are too long. I am using external APIs which have a response time of like 800ms (measured in postman) - when the same call goes through bubble as an API connector it is like 4000ms. No idea what is happening on the bubble server but it is really increasing all external load times 3x to 4x.

So my idea is to store those call responses locally in the browser.


Hi @keith - I am testing floppy with local storage and experiencing some timing issues.

Having set Ram lists on a button in a workflow works fine but trying to populate a floppy with data from another floppy when initialized fails - I have no idea why, must be a timing thing in the browser.

Is there any tutorial on how to have floppies ready to use after page load?

My goal is to store an external api locally and dehydrate it into ram to then have a performant frontend (I do a lots of filtering on a very long list)

Thx Jan

this seems to be a bug:

I set a RAM list which works (I can see the list in my elements and in the browser).

Storing the values leads to a problem:

  1. if I choose indexedDB I see nothing
  2. if I choose localstorage I see empty items

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-24 um 12.18.15

Pretty sure @keith has moved on to greener pastures. I know he lingers but unfortunately for you all I don’t think he will be back to reply or update his plugins until Bubble reaches his expectations.

Oh shit - so this is a paid plugin without support? That’s bad


Hi Keith!

I am currently subscribed to floppy and I’m trying to make an app that will have a local database that will work offline for my users, then syncs to bubble’s database when online. Can I use floppy for this?

I did google this: Can you make your Bubble app work offline? | Progressier Help Center (intercom.help) so I learned the front end stuff can be cached, then maybe I use floppy as a simple database (my users will need a column of integers and some calculations for inventory tracking, nothing heavy). Thanks!


I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask this, but since I now use floppy in this solution I am going to try.

I am trying to build a building automation visualizaiton bubble software to use for my clients. Making a long story short: I program the automation in buildings, and deliver visualization software through bubble for my clients to look at real time data, and make adjustments.

I am currently publishing values from all sensors and components to a local supabase deployment.

The issue arrives when I try to display this data in bubble. I now fetch the data through the Supabase plugin, I then set the FLOPPY RAM list values.

  • When fetching a list of things that are refered to via the API connector, then doing a lot of :filtered or :item nr# can increase the clients browser memory quite significantly.
  • Updating the list of things and then SETing the Floppy RAM list value can increase the heap memory of the app by up to 80mb. After that the browser does not release the js, and the memory continues to rise.
  • This happens both when fetching small lists of thing (150 db entries with 4 columns) and larger lists (2000). I just tried to fetch and setting the floppy ram list value and the apps heap memory increased from 173 mb to 212 mb. The garbage collector seem to not understand that it should collect and delete the old string values from the memory.

This is not a Floppy issue, as i have tried to directly filter on the Supabase DB element where the data lies. I have also tried setting a custom state, setting a repeating group list.

This is neither a supabase plugin issue, because the same thing happens using the API connector. I suspect that the bubble api object type might have something to do with it.

The only thing that actually works and makes the garbage collector clean up the old unused values is directly refering to an object containing the value that you want to show. I tried putting a bunch of supabase db elements and filtering so that it only contained one object and refering directly to that one object, and that worked but made the app super slow because of the huge amount of elements.

Have any of you fellow bubblers experienced a similar issue, and found a way to fix this?

Any suggestions is appreciated.

Did you ever find a solution to this? I’m trying to do something similar

Hi @metamedian,

I am looking for a solution to the same problem. Does Floppy provide this? Did you find an answer or another solution?


Hi @keith I’m excited for Bubble to (someday) release the native mobile builder.

When they do, will Floppy be updated to work on native mobile Bubble? Hopefully we won’t have to wait a long time for your excellent plugin to be updated – my app can’t function without Floppy :grin:

Thanks for building Floppy and ListShifter!

Don’t expect any updates for his plugins. @keith has gone to greener pastures.

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That is extremely unfortunate. Thank you @ihsanzainal84 for letting me know.

I don’t suppose there are any other plugins with List Shifter functionalities, right?

I forgot the name of the plugin but there’s a similar plugin by @NoCodeDataArtisan


Hi @ihsanzainal84

Thank you very much for recommending our plugins; it means great to us :hugs:.

I believe the plugin you are referring is Listopia.

Kindly inform us if you have any inquiries regarding plugin. @greg18

I have linked the plugin’s page, but I am unsure if this is permitted as it is another plugin’s post.

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Oh, pity to lose such a great forum presence! Did he say goodbye or something?


Sort of I guess. Not a happy farewell if I remember correctly.

He did post again after a long time away. Not a happy post either :laughing:

I learned a lot from his long thought out posts.

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