Fluid transitions, are they possible on bubble?

The moveable popup has some limitations. I would place the drag/drop group at the bottom of the page and hide it on page load. Add a workflow to show the group and an action to move the group to a specific point, like the header. The group is above the rest of the page and you can drag it around and move it, but it doesn’t float, so when you scroll up or down the page, the group moves with the page versus staying still. I have tried changing this using css, but Bubble uses absolute positioning and you need to change that property to fix to allow it to float. I couldn’t get the float part to work.

And if you want to do a skeleton ui, take a look at this post. The gif recording shows it as a block, but it looks better on the screen when you build it. I’ll add the workflow and how it’s built to the page of the navbar.

Editor for Moveable Popup: Bsi-forum-app | Bubble Editor