Is there a way to set the style (color) of the initial content in an input box?
You can probably do it by using custom states. When Input A’s value is equal to some DB field’s value, set color to #FFFFFF. Otherwise, set the color to #333333.
I haven’t tried it, but that’s what I’d think about trying first.
Anyone? Still needing this… I can’t find a way to make the initial content not be greyed out?
Couldn’t get it to work…
When I use initial content, it isn’t grayed out. When I use “placeholder,” then it’s grayed out. Can you share a screenshot of your setup?
In this image, DOGS is an “initial content” entry. The “Choose a Tool” is a placeholder. You can see they appear differently in my setup.
You have it set to disabled, that’s what’s graying it out.
So you can edit the style of “disabled” in the style editor for Standard Input
Ahhh, but I was instructed to do so because I am not using this input box as a true input box… I am using it so that when a user clicks on a particular value in the repeating group, it displays that field in the input box…
Yeah, that’s awesome. Definitely do that. I would give it a different style property then, that’ll let you control it how you want without needing to screw up the rest of your “regular” inputs.
But as you stated, as long as the disabled checkbox is checked, it is still going to gray out whatever style I use, correct?
You know, you might be right. I thought you could control what it looked like when it was disabled, but it doesn’t look like that’s accurate. My mistake! I could’ve sworn we had control over that.
Now here is a strange twist… When looking at it from the desktop it looks fine, but when looking at it from a mobile device it looks grayed out?
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