From one Data Type to Another

Humm, Can’t figure out if I set this up correctly. Any Advice would be greatly appreciated.

Context: Say I’m in the roofing business, and we do quotes to clients.

Now all the clients start out as “Bid Clients”, (someone looking for a quote)

The thought is once they accept the quote, they will sign up as “users” or at least be “user clients” in the database. Some will some won’t.

If they do, they can see the process of the job and get live updates through the app or by email or text.

And then all the bids that dont say yes, I want to keep as “bid clients” for remarketing and be able to delete them at some set time.

As I have it set up right now, I have two user types.

  1. User Client, (customer) who is signed up as a user (Like Normal)
  2. Bid Client, (not signed up)

Right now, I have it to where I can start from scratch, put in all their info again, sign up as a user and then I can manually assign their “job” info to them.

But I kind of what to make it to where,

My rep with a touch of a button on a back office form, can sign them up as a user, which will send them an email with a temp code, so they can log in. (that I got figured out)

I just can’t figure out how to automate the step of when they do that, the Bid clients specific info such as address, job, quote carries over to them as a user now.

Probably overthinking it like always.

So how can you automatically move the name, address info inside the database to another database type.

Would you use an invisible input form somewhere and create a new user, is it as simple as just being able to have the input form automatically fill out the sign up form with the “bid clients” info.

Frankly, I am still having issues with how to easily merge 2 data types on an input form so that might be it. I’m just not understanding and making it way more complicated probably.

How would you set this up?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Presumably when a user accepts a quote you know which quote it is and can then reference all relevant information from there, including a linked Bid Client, in creating a new User. What about that is not working for you?

Regardless, it’s perhaps also possible to use just the single User data type. When a user requests a bid, instead of creating a separate Bid Client create a User and include a field that indicates the user’s status in your onboarding funnel. You presumably have their email address and can assign a temporary password. You can still wait to actually send them the signin credentials only upon bid acceptance.


Thank you. See that might be where I have way over complicated it.

My original thought was to create a user role called “bid client” and then just change them to " client user" as its the same personal info.

But then thought I dont want a ton of “bid” info in the main database, so if they decided not to become a customer it would be easier for me to identify / delete and a ton of that info would change anyway.

For example, On the reps bid sheet, they put in the estimated materials cost, and then at some point after they become a client, someone else might go in and update to the actual cost for their accounting.

So for some reason (probably at 2am) I thought it would be best to keep them separate in 4 databases really. " Bid Client", Client User, “Bid Job info” and “Job info”

A bid database tied to the client and then when they became a customer they would be switched over to “client user” and I was trying to figure out how to do that with a touch of a button and move “Bid Client and info” into the New “client users” database.

Do you think I should stop that thought and move everything into just 2 databases?

Just create a “user type” as bid client. and same type deal for “Bid Job Info” for the other stuff and then all the rep has to do is update on a form, and it will be as simple as a dropdown menu change on both of them and hit save to update.

Thinking that out loud, that probably makes better sense. Dang it.

But what would you do, is there an easier way?

Seems like you’re on the right track.

Be sure you don’t overlook using the built-in User data type. Don’t create a separate custom data type for users; you wouldn’t be able to use Bubble’s authentication functionality.

Also, keep in mind that you presumably could have multiple jobs over time for a single user. So, you definitely want a separate Job data type. As you seem to have landed on, it’s certainly possible to use that single data type for both requested/proposed quotes and accepted quotes that have turned into jobs; again, include a field to track an individual job’s status in your process (e.g., Requested, Quoted, Rejected, Initiated, Completed).

Thank you David,

I knew it was probably wrong, but once you start on something you just keep doing it.

Is there a simple way to Merge database fields?