I have a full screen popup nav that I’m using on mobile. It uses a grayout and background color to bleed edge to edge. Works great on destop but on mobile it’s very slow to transition when navigating to the page. In the screenshot you can see how it behaves after click - and it hangs like this for a couple of seconds before finally loading the new page. How can I address this?
How are you loading the new page? is this a SPA or multi page app?
A multi page app.
I would add an action before the navigation action to hide the menu and perhaps show a message of redirecting if your page load speeds are very slow on mobile
Thanks for the suggestion. Would you implement that differently than I have? This is what I’m using currently:
That looks fine. If you have the issue with that setup it might be due to the menu as a popup which might take longer to close. I use floating groups and group focus as menus.
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