Full width navbar

Hi everyone,

I’m new to Bubble and playing around with panels on my page

I’ve got the layout working where the sidebar runs the full height of the page and the top navbar is to the right of it:

But I just can’t figure out how to have the navbar full width, with the sidebar then below it:

Seem to be taking one step forward and two back right now :rofl:

Any help appreciated please

Assuming the nav bar is a floating Group, you should be able to bring it forward with a right click, then ‘bring to front’ (or something similar on one of the edit menus).

Is the navbar a reusable element, or just its own element on that particular page? If you plan on using this navbar on other pages, I recommend putting it in an RE if it isn’t already.

If the navbar is an RE, then make sure the entire RE is set as a floating group with a width of 100%.

If the navbar is not an RE, then ensure the element type is set to a floating group.

Keep in mind that you’ll have to add a top margin to the bottom 2 panels to ensure the top part of each panel is not covered by the floating group!

Thank you guys. Will try tomorrow. At the moment it’s just on the page but not floating. Was planning on getting it working then making it reusable

Appreciate you taking the time to help

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