I have a radio button and I want that it has an initial value that is taken from the url, how could I do that?
You should get the data from the URL and capitalize first letter: use Get scelto from page URL:capitalizedWords
at the initial value of the radio buttons because it comes all lowercase.
Then, in the initial value, you should get all values of that option set and filter them by the page parameter.
yep or in the get from url you can specify its getting an option set. Either way
That’s an option too but you should be aware that it is case-sensitive. If the option’s displays are Uppercase and the page parameter is lowercase, it won’t get it from the URL.
I can’t filter it, I can only this things:
As you could see, the value in url is the same of the radio option (Personal) but the radio doesn’t has this default value
You will get all options: (My option set’s name is Option
And filter these based on the page param. This is where you maybe make all of them lowercase (both the display value of the option and the data coming from the page URL so they match):
And get the first item:
I don’t have the option “Get Piano Scelto from page URL” wich I should choose between this two?
It is down at the list. Not in the data source part.
I have this:
It is to get data from page url, which you were already using in your first post. I told you my option set’s name is option, that’s why it is called Get option from page url
And the parameter will be the name you get from the URL, in your case: scelto
If I set the parameter to take:
I have to fill the expression adding something:
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