[HELP] Add an aggregate column in table A that picks up data from table B

Hi guys, I hope you can help me with this question, I’ll simplify the context.

I have the following tables
Table_Users with columns: UserID, UserName, UserCreatedDt
Table_Products with columns: ProductID, ProductName
Table_Transactions with columns: UserID, ProductID, PurchasedDt

My app is live with real data populated.
Now I want to add an extra column to the Table_Users called NumOfProductsPurchased, which would count the products purchased per user.

How would I do that? Is it too late now that my app has real data? Even if it’s late, what’s the workaround/manual way to do it.
Thank you very much for any help and guidance you can provide.


Hey @willmai :wave:

Good question :blush:

As long as you have the data somewhere, you can create the field. You would just create a backend workflow to update the field on Table_Users dataType. The field would most likely be a search of your products count.

Does that help? Do you have backend workflows enabled?

You would also need to run the workflow on the live database after you push it to live.