The managers and Freelancers have access to the platform with different user roles. The permanents contract workers and Business Bringers do not.
I am currently working on the personal space for each freelancer and I do not know how to setup my database in order for the freelancers to be able to see the missions that are assigned to them. I made a link between the tables “Deals Freelance” and “Freelancers” but the result I have is the one below.
When you are in the App Data section of the Data tab in the editor, there is a button in upper left called ‘Primary Fields’, click that button and you can change the field that is used in the editor database. Likely right now the Freelancer data type is set to unique ID.
I personally would be finding a way to distinguish using the same data type between a Freelancer and a Permanent Contract so as to make things simpler. One of the things that I’ve come to understand in Bubble database is everything comes back to the User data type.
Only the User data type is created when you start a new app
Every single data type you add will have a built in field of Creator which is the User data type
Very easy to use the dynamic expression ‘current user’
With that in mind, I’d suggest making the Permanent Contracts a User, even if they will never actually sign in to their user account. You can make a dummy email address that you append a value to for each like
But, in all honesty, there are many different ways to achieve the same type of end result, and other developers may have ideas that work for them that differ from mine.