Help Needed: Missing "Element Saved" Action in PDF Screenshot Plugin

Hi everyone,

I’m using the PDF Screenshot plugin to generate PDFs, and I want to save the generated PDF URLs into the user’s database. According to the plugin documentation, after enabling the “Save to Bubble” checkbox, the Element Saved event should be triggered, allowing me to save the PDF URL. However, this action or event doesn’t appear in my Workflow options.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  1. Added the PDF Screenshot plugin to my app.
  2. Configured the Element PDF action with an ID and checked “Save to Bubble.”
  3. Tried looking for the Element Saved event to save the URL, but it’s not available.

Can anyone guide me on how to resolve this or suggest an alternative way to capture the generated PDF URL and store it in the user’s database?

Thanks in advance for your help! :blush:

Pretty sure this plugin is an “element” plugin. You need to add the related element to the page first so you can use related actions and states

Thank you for your response, but unfortunately, it didn’t work. I added the related element and set the correct attribute, but the option to save still doesn’t appear.

If you have any other ideas, I’d greatly appreciate your help!

Can you share what you did? Link to plugin so I can see which one you are using

Thank you very much for the help!

With your information, I researched further into the problem and found the solution. I right-clicked on the PDF A element and accessed the workflow. Then the two action elements to create and save appeared.

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