Hey @bubble - you broke the data model for Lists in SSAs! Please to fix!

@shaunh yep. We covered this a couple months ago as well here: Monthly Community Update -- September 2022 - #9 by bubble.trouble

The official response if you read the thread was basically that they are working on the server architecture to correct these issues but it isn’t going to be ready anytime soon. I’m afraid we are going to have to continue to deal with issues like this for the foreseeable future until we can get app versioning on the main/shared cluster. This is an unavoidable consequence of the development process that Bubble has chosen (which is rapid iteration) and it seems like regardless of how important they feel like the topic is, they don’t have the ability to come up with a solution in the sort term. I’m betting their official response to you will be something along the lines of “You should be paying for a dedicated instance” in which case you wouldn’t have been affected by this (and other) breaking changes.

If you look at the releases in the last two days to the main/shared cluster, there were 22 (Releases | Bubble). There is no way to ensure bug free code 100% of the time with that many code changes (some of these updates were to fix bugs that were released). It seems like their (unspoken) position is that the main/shared cluster is more of a test environment for their dedicated cluster/customers. Regardless of whether or not this is their position it still ends up being the net result for most of their customers.