How can I filter and display a list of products by category in a repeating group on

I need help displaying a product from a specific category to a repeating group. They are all placed in a single database. I can’t seem to figure it out. I want to filter the display of the Repeating Groups based on the Product’s Category. Basically, show all the products under that Category.

App Data (Database)

Repeating Group for the Product

Frontend UI

This is how I display the Product text, I base it on the current cell index.

I forgot to elaborate at the FrontEnd UI part…

Each Category I made has 3 products each. That means only 3 products should show each Category seen at the Frontend UI. What is happening is each Repeating Group Product shows all the Product, to top it off, the Repeating Group Product seems to create more Columns than the number of data I have at the Database.

Just do a search fort the Products who’s Category is the selected Category.

(also, you don’t want to be doing searches inside RG cells)

I don’t understand how to do the

“who’s Category is the selected Category”, is this a constraint?

Also, I don’t want users to select a category. I want the category to pre-load with the product that are under those categories (See Frontend UI).

Just use:

Category is definedCategory

in your search (where definedCategory is whatever category it is)

I know this is old. I just got back from work. But what if the definedCategory is a ‘Text’ element? How will I extract the value of the Text element?

Unlike the Input elements, they are normally extracted as “InputName’s value”

This is my attempt so far.

Text elements don’t have values.

The category you enter in the search constraint ha to be a valid value of the correct datatype.

I managed to separate each Product Name based on it’s assigned Category. Now my problem is how do I remove the duplicated Categories and basically, concatenate the products under such Categories.

Frontend UI

Repeating Group

Text Category Name

Text Product Name