I’m Darshan Hiranandani, experiencing an issue where a plugin that loads from polyfill.app is causing timeouts and significantly slowing down the page load to 20 seconds. Although I thought I uninstalled the offending plugin, the app still attempts to load the resource.
Could anyone suggest how to determine which plugin is actually trying to load from polyfill.app? Any guidance on troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have html elements on the page loading polyfill.app related data?
Or API Connector workflow that might be triggered on page load?
Anyway got to browser developer tools (Inspect element in Chrome). Go to network tab, reload the page and see what takes so long to load. Unfortunately I can’t tell you anything more.
If you’re using polyfill . app / polyfill . io you need to get rid of them now. They are vulnerable and can mess up your users and overall experience.
This will likely be an older plugin that has not been updated in the last year or two. This vulnerability happened a few months ago and has effected huge companies like Hulu, Cloudflare, and some other MAJOR sites. This affected their users, load speeds, and more. I’d assume the reason why it’s taking forever to load/slowing your page down is either a) it’s running and using up your memory on your system, or b) Cloudflare is blocking it (which they should be).
This is a malicious URL, not library. Polyfill is still a proper library that is used by millions of devices. If you are a plugin developer and use this, BE SURE TO USE IT FROM CDNJS.
If you cannot isolate the plugin, I’d highly recommend either a professional dev (I’m not for hire at the moment), or contact Bubble support immediately.