How can I scroll left and right bit by bit a repeating group using custom states and scroll to?

I have a repeating group of cards with only one row, I removed the horizontal scrollbar and I created two scroll buttons on each side, and both the repeating group of cards and the two buttons are inside of another group.

I selected the two buttons and I added workflows to them, the actions were to create states on the repeating group and a scroll to. I tried everything to achieve what I wanted, but the only thing I could achieve was to slide the cards from the first one until the last one clicking on the buttons and vice versa but this is not what I want.

I read the question again and I add a disclaimer here. If this is what you want :slight_smile:

All you need is a custom state called Start (or whatever you want) and the repeating group will show the data starting from that number. Then, the arrows will just increase and decrease these numbers. See demo below:

Repeating group has this data source, starting from custom state:

And the left arrow for example, just decreases the custom state:

And vice-versa for the right arrow. You can put some limits so they don’t go above and beyond the size.

Here is the editor if you want to check details: Tests for Forum 11 | Bubble Editor

Thank you!, I tried and I was able to do it but now in the preview while I clicked the button at the end the cards moved down and the scrolling isn’t smooth. Do you know why the card images moved position? and do you know how I could make the scrolling smooth?

I added -4 and +4 instead of -1 and +1

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