How do I place a Multiline Input field for each on the list of text (list of questions of a Questionnaire)

Hi everyone,

I tried looking for answers in the forum about this but to no avail. So here it is:

  1. I want to add Multiline Input for every “Question” I have on the Questionnaire data type with Question list of texts. As you can see in the screenshot, the Multiline Input only appears on the last part of the list of questions and not for each. Is there a way to make it per question?

  2. I also noticed that the numbered list I placed using Rich text editor did not apply number “2” to the Question #2 and only have “1” on Question#1 instead.

Thank you in advance Bubblers. Appreciate it.

Link to the questionnaire



Hi Nogz

You want to be using a ‘questions’ repeating group for this inside of a ‘questionnaire’ element . Your expression will then want to show the parent groups items question, at the moment it is just showing all of the questions.

Got it to work, nfisher! thank you :slight_smile: