How do I set the slug to a custom field?

Hi! I added a large bunch of items to the database by uploading a CSV. But while mapping fields, Bubble did not give me the option to map an uploaded field to the built-in Slug field.

So now I have a field called ‘SlugM’ that I want to use as the slug of the various database entries that I have. Alternatively, I need help with finding a way to copy and paste all the values from SlugM to the built-in Slug.

Any help would be appreciated!

The way I would solve this issue is to use the “Bulk” button and run a workflow on the data that sets Slug = SlugM.

First create the workflow in your app somewhere and then you can run it against a specific data set from the App Data screen as shown below:

Thanks! This solves it :slight_smile:

Hi, I tried to do this too but I can’t work out how to update each item, what workflow settings did you use? Thanks!