How to add and remove something from a user's list of things

A patient who is a user has name, sex etc but also a medications, “list of drugs”. Drugs are also a data type.
I want a doctor to be able to add to or remove from the patient’s list of drug for every “visit” (,another data type).
I don’t know how to set this up.
I tried “make changes to a thing” that’s the patient, then I choose the field “medications” a list of drugs but I keep getting to a point where I cannot progress. I’m seeing “add to” but it’s just getting complicated.

Are you just trying to remove an item (Drug) from the User’s Medications (list of drugs) feild?

If so, just use Remove in the workflow when making changes to the User to remove the specific Drug from the list.

Thank you. finally figured it out. In my workflow, I need to create the thing first before adding it to the list. So I was trying to add a drug to a patient’s drug directly but I didn’t know I was supposed to create drug in the workflow first and then add drug to list afterwards.

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