How To Add Space Below Floating Group

Hi All,

I have a repeating group and a map within a floating group next to it on my page. The floating group is currently positioned as relative to the top and left which is fine, but the floating group is glued to the bottom of the page when scrolling (second screenshot below).

Is there a way I can add space below the floating group or push it up so it’s not at the way bottom? I’d also like the floating group to stop before the end of the page (ribbon at bottom in second screenshot) if possible.

It seems like this should be simple to do but for some reason I’ve been spinning my wheels. I’ve tried Hero Sizing, adding a floating group at the bottom, adding the map and repeating group into another group and a few other things, none of which seemed to work.

Any help would be appreciated!

Olá , o grupo Floating não centraliza ao centro, só existe centralização relativa para esquerda e direita, com isso teremos o alinhamento apenas a direita ou a esquerda, no ajuda do Bubble a dica é colocar “nenhum = none”, mas esta opção não existe, coloquei em Booton e em alguns modelos o grupo Floating rola junto com a página, alguma dica para me dar? Já busquei no Forum e nada encontrei. Obrigado