How to Calculate "Response Time" and "Response Rate" Aggregates/Averages

How could one configure an average “response time” to a message thread or other Thing and a “response rate” similar to the below display:

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For response time, you can have a number field under the Message type. When message is created, this field equals:

current date/time minus previous message’s (or whatever message it’s in response to) creation date/time :formatted as minutes

Then in the next action, make a change to current user: response time = search for messages (created by current user)'s response time :average

Response rate would depend on how you want to define that metric, but here’s Airbnb’s formula from their help page:

Your response rate is the percentage of new inquiries and reservation requests you responded to (by either accepting/pre-approving or declining) within 24 hours in the past 30 days. Your response time is the average amount of time it took you to respond to all the new messages in the past 30 days.


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