How to convert ISO8601 date format into a Bubble date format?


I’m using some APIs which return dates in an ISO8601 format:
Example: 2023-06-05T21:30:00

I want to extract only the date from this format and convert it into a ddd, dd mmm 'yy format, which Bubble should recognise as a date.

What would be the best way to achieve this?


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Hi there! We’ve just developed a fantastic plugin for managing lists, and one of its handy features is text-to-date conversion.

Although the plugin isn’t currently available on the marketplace, we’d be thrilled to authorize your app for free if you’re interested.

Just let us know, and kindly send us your application ID. We look forward to hearing from you!

Hi @NoCodeDataArtisan

Sounds interesting! Much appreciated! :slight_smile:
Great to hear you have a plugin for this. My app’s id is ticket-broker-agency

Thanks, I look forward to trying your plugin!

Best regards,

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Greetings @sampannemans !

We sincerely appreciate your trust in us; it holds immense value to our team. I am pleased to inform you that I have successfully authorized the plugin for your application. You can conveniently install it from within the app’s plugins section. Its name is Listopia.

Should you come across any difficulties or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are readily available to provide assistance and support.

Thank you once again for helping us.

Warm regards,

Hi @NoCodeDataArtisan,

I cannot find the plugin…

Does it have another plugin name?

Thanks again,

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No, its full name is Listopia [List Handler]

There should be no need to search, usually it is the first plugin in the list.
Can you refresh once?

Found it! I will test and let you know the outcome. :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

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Thank you sincerely for your support.
You are welcome to utilize this plugin for as long as you find it beneficial.

If there are any specific features you feel are missing, please do not hesitate to inform us, and we will strive to incorporate them.

Hi @NoCodeDataArtisan,

I think I need some guidance on how to use the plugin.
In my case I am displaying a date which comes from an API response. The date is text and has this ISO8601 format: 2023-06-05T21:30:00

The goal is to display the date in this format: ddd, dd mmm 'yy
It should be displayed as a date, not text, so I can then use the date to do some date calculations later on.

How can I achieve this with the plugin?

Thanks again!

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Hey :wave:

No problem, we are happy to assist you.
I will send you the demo link for your use case in a few minutes