Look: Bubble can only interpret it one way, right? Test and see which it is (I think I’m right in what I posted, but test and see). It’s then your responsibility to present your date info to Bubble in a format that gives you the results you expect.
And I was mostly answering the OP’s question in a very general way. @seanhoots answered in a Dropsource-specific way (he’s rather expert with Dropsource and Bubble integration and the original question relates specifically to that).
Anyway, presenting the date string in an ISO date format is truly unambiguous and, if you can do that, that’s the way to go.
I’ve not done much in terms of connecting dropsource and bubble though that’s really interesting to me. But in terms of Bubble, I do a lot with dates and date manipulation and sending dates to the API Connector.
I just looked at one of my own APIs that passes date info back to the Bubble API connector and see that a JavaScript date object passed as a string like:
is interpreted as YYYY-MM-DD being the format. (The time part here means UTC time at time zero - the start of this day.) The date part represents and is understood by Bubble to be NOVEMBER 9th, 2018 (not September 11th, 2018). So what I said above is correct.