How to create more than one constraint for dropdown list?

I’m a new member of bubble group. I need to use dropdown input to my sign up page to select what’s role for my customer, e.g. Customer or Contractor. I tried to add constraint but it’s work for one constraint to filter only one result for dynamic choices, not work for more than one result. I haven’t been successful in figuring that out. Any help is much appreciated.

Welcome to Bubble…you are the only either Bubble user I have seen who is also based in Thailand.

You should be able to add another constraint by using the button with a plus sign that says Add a new constraint

Another thought as well is if you only have two choices, you may want to make the dropdown static and just add those two choices as the options, especially if your data base is saving the role as a text field.

Thanks for your help.

I have tried to find some user based in Thailand, but I haven’t seen any one use Bubble, don’t worry I will make it well known if I have a chance.