How To Create RSS Feed With Bubble Data?

I’m exploring the best way to do this myself. What it comes down to is the generation of an XML file that needs to be hosted somewhere (preferably your app’s root domain - which as of today you can now do!)

The problem is if you have frequent updates, you need to re-upload a new file every time. Might not be practical at all.

For the time being, Zapier has an RSS zap that will generate and automatically update a feed hosted by them. You can use a Google Sheet or even the Bubble action in Zapier to trigger it. Not sure how well this scales, but it’s a start. A downside is that Zapier won’t let you modify the “channel” description or URL - it’s hardcoded with references to Zapier, which is not awesome.

Gaby | Coaching Bubble
Private coaching, courses, and tons of free resources

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