How to generate an API Key for users to use it when they call my endpoints?

OK, I made this API action and found that its response includes a token like this bus|1716577514947x598705444092944500|1716608603286x447372536663480200.
Then I used this token as a Bearer API Key for another backend workflow and it worked successfully.

But now I need some clarification about how this should be organized because as I can understand, this needs the following:

  • When the user creates a new account in my app, I have to use an API action that includes the sign the user up action, so I can get the token, provide it to the user as an API Key, and store it in the database.
    *Every 12 months this token will expire, so I have to generate a new token, deliver it to the user, and change the stored one.

Is this how API Workflow Authentication works in Bubble?