How to keep users logged in - Native App

I’ve built an app through Bubble and then used Codeless Academy to convert it into a web app that can be downloaded on the App and Google Play stores. However that the ‘Stay logged in’ function of the Log In form submission workflow doesn’t appear to work on these native apps. The still user needs to log back in every time they fully close the app. I’ve tried simply selecting ‘yes’ as the value as well as the check box tutorial by Coaching No Code Apps:

Screen Shot 2021-08-16 at 9.15.31 am

Does anyone know another way around this that works for native apps?

hey tracey, I have the same problem. Ever found a solution for it?

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Seriously no one after one millions user on the app have find a solutions for this problem ? I have the same problem for playstore and appstore. this mean that the option “stay log in” doesn’t work properly everywhere !!

I have the same problem, any suggestions?

Unfortunately, no, I haven’t yet solved this

The way I solved it -

  1. Build the login flow (using groups) in your single page app (Hidden by default)
  2. Use a condition - “This group’s user does not have an account” to make the login group visible. this will force the login screen to appear for the new user
  3. Use show/hide element in Login button workflow to show user whatever page you want next.
  4. Use the show/hide action on your log out button to hide all other groups and display only the login group. This takes the user back to login screen post log out.

Some things to know -

  1. First group to appear on page load should be login in this case, you can redirect users to the regisration page using hide/show element from your login screen for new users.
  2. You can not buid seprate login/register pages as bubble does not allow page redirects on native pages.