How to let my users choose a image from the database to their own private page?

Hi all

I have seen the Youtube tutorial series “Get started with Bubble” and I try to develop further on the Workplace page.

I want the users to be able to choose from about 20 images that I have uploaded, and then the image should be shown on their individual job page.

How could I do this? I have tried to search for similar subjects, but did not find the solution yet

Thanks a lot!

Create a table to store your 20 image call it Pics
Then when user create a job page show them all images from Pics in a RG place a button too which say select this image.
When job page is created run a workflow to save that selected image, like image = This Cells Pic’s image
Done :cowboy_hat_face:

Thanks a lot

I am still a bit stuck, so hope you can help further
I created a option set called Pics with preuploaded images (which I thought you meant by writing table)
Then I created the repeating group, but when I choose Pics in Type of content and All pics in data source nothings happens. I cant get the images to show. What have I done wrong?


Put a image inside first cell and it’s data source as parent data image

That worked! Sorry, I am a bit new to Bubble
How do I then choose the value in my workflow? See picture

It should be parent group job’s Pic image

Even I was one point of time new to this platform :grin:

hello i didn’t have the permission to modify the app so i will tell you how to do it,
create a custom state for that RG and when the button (Button Klik her for at vælg) is clicked set the state of rg to that cells index and use that in wf

shown an example below

Massive help! We are so close :smiley:

I followed all your steps and it makes so much sense. Then on the individual Jobs page i put in an image element and typed “Current Pages Jobs Pics Image” as Dynamic data.


The image chosen by the user is still not shown on the individual jobs page.
If you have the time to look into it one more time, then I would be really pleased. I learn so much in the process :smiley:

you are using option sets
so created a new data type called pic- Siddharth and it’s a picture format,
earlier you were saving id of option set as pics

Thank you so much for all your help! It worked like a charm!

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