How to remove next 2 consecutive items from text list

Hello Bubble Experts :wave:

I need some help please :pray:

Iโ€™ve a list of text - which is a time list >> Type Text :point_down:
10:30 , 10:35 , 10:40 , 10:45 , 10:50 , 10:55 , 11:00 , 11:05 , 11:10 , 11:15 , 11:20 , 11:25 , 11:30 , 11:35 , 11:40 , 11:45 , 11:50 , 11:55 , 15:05 , 15:10 , 15:15 , 15:20 , 15:25 , 15:30 , 15:35 , 15:40 , 15:45 , 15:50 , 15:55 , 16:00

Screenshot 2023-12-13 at 03.05.18

I would like to remove 2 consecutive text after each hour first item
In other words, I want to display 15 min slots

My Result should be
10:30, 10:45, 11:00, 11:15, 11:30, 11:45, 15:05, 15:20, 15:35, 15:50

Can someone guide me to the right direction
Iโ€™ll be glad to buy you a coffee :tea:

Thanks :+1:

Any reason you arenโ€™t using a number or a range?

You can use a extract with regex operator on the list and use the regex \b(\d{2}):(00|15|30|45)\b.

Looks like this

Tested and it works

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I am getting this data from API in the type โ€œTextโ€

Thanks a lot @ihsanzainal84
It works :tada:

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