How To Return Data From Backend API Workflows (no manual API connector)

Yes, it’s easy to send data types to an API connector call. I was referring to getting data back from the API - which will return the Thing’s unique ID and fields not the Thing itself as Bubble needs it.

Did you ever manage to get the return data to work on recursive workflows?

Nope, tried several things, but didn’t manage to make it work. :man_shrugging:
Maybe I’ll try again someday.

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Thank you for this solution. Regarding usage, I’ve received the following error when implementing:

Workflow error - Error connecting to a Bubble app: Invalid data for key defaultWorkItems: array length exceeds the limit of 200 entries. Contact if you need to increase this limit

I’m passing a list of 831 items to my API workflow workflow!

Does this error also occur when calling the API workflow manually using something like Postman rather than the app connector? I’ve never come across this - passing a list of more than 200 surely isn’t a default limit…

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Unfortunately, I haven’t tested this error using any other request client.

As an update, I’ve avoided the need to pass such a large list (and therefore avoided the error) by obtaining the list using a search in the API workflow itself. This may not be suitable when considering privacy rules.

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If I am not mistaken the API connector is the only one allowing workflows to continue on error, contrary to App Connector?
